1. Table of ContentsLink
    1. Front Matter
      1. Title Pagei
      2. Copyright Pageii
      3. Program Authorsiii
      4. Program Consultantsiv
      5. Reviewersv
      6. Table of Contentsvii
      7. Labs and Activitiesxvii
      8. Understanding Global Changexx
      9. Standards at a Glancexxii
      10. Ecoregions of Floridaxxviii
    2. Chapter 1: The Science of Biology
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: What turned this ant into a zombie?2
      2. Lesson 1.1 What Is Science?4
      3. Lesson 1.2 Science in Context11
      4. Lesson 1.3 Patterns of Life18
      5. Chapter 1: Study Guide26
      6. Chapter 1: Assessment28
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice30
    3. Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why is this water sparkling?32
      2. Lesson 2.1 The Nature of Matter34
      3. Lesson 2.2 Properties of Water39
      4. Lesson 2.3 Carbon Compounds44
      5. Lesson 2.4 Chemical Reactions and Enzymes50
      6. Chapter 2: Study Guide54
      7. Chapter 2: Assessment56
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice58
    4. Chapter 3: The Biosphere
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why is this water turning green?60
      2. Lesson 3.1 Introduction to Global Systems62
      3. Lesson 3.2 Climate, Weather, and Life69
      4. Lesson 3.3 Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems76
      5. Chapter 3: Study Guide86
      6. Chapter 3: Assessment88
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice90
    5. Chapter 4: Ecosystems
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why are mangrove forests so important?92
      2. Lesson 4.1 Energy, Producers, and Consumers94
      3. Lesson 4.2 Energy Flow in Ecosystems98
      4. Lesson 4.3 Cycles of Matter103
      5. Chapter 4: Study Guide114
      6. Chapter 4: Assessment116
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice118
    6. Chapter 5: Populations
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How do the populations of humans and alligators affect each other?120
      2. Lesson 5.1 How Populations Grow122
      3. Lesson 5.2 Limits to Growth130
      4. Lesson 5.3 Human Population Growth136
      5. Chapter 5: Study Guide144
      6. Chapter 5: Assessment146
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice148
    7. Chapter 6: Communities and Ecosystem Dynamics
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How has this ecosystem changed?150
      2. Lesson 6.1 Habitats, Niches, and Species Interactions152
      3. Lesson 6.2 Succession160
      4. Lesson 6.3 Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Resilience164
      5. Chapter 6: Study Guide170
      6. Chapter 6: Assessment172
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice174
    8. Chapter 7: Humans and Global Change
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How do invasive species impact the environment?176
      2. Lesson 7.1 Humanity, Global Systems, and Change178
      3. Lesson 7.2 Anthropogenic Global Change and Its Effects184
      4. Lesson 7.3 Measuring and Responding to Climate Change195
      5. Lesson 7.4 Modeling Sustainability, Resilience, and Adaptation201
      6. Chapter 7: Study Guide206
      7. Chapter 7: Assessment208
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice210
    9. Chapter 8: Cell Structure and Function
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why does this animal have chloroplasts?212
      2. Lesson 8.1 Life is Cellular214
      3. Lesson 8.2 Cell Structure220
      4. Lesson 8.3 Cell Transport232
      5. Lesson 8.4 Homeostasis and Cells238
      6. Chapter 8: Study Guide242
      7. Chapter 8: Assessment244
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice246
    10. Chapter 9: Photosynthesis
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How can algae be used as an energy source?248
      2. Lesson 9.1 Energy and Life250
      3. Lesson 9.2 Photosynthesis: An Overview254
      4. Lesson 9.3 The Process of Photosynthesis259
      5. Chapter 9: Study Guide266
      6. Chapter 9: Assessment268
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice270
    11. Chapter 10: Cellular Respiration
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How does this millipede defend itself?272
      2. Lesson 10.1 Cellular Respiration: An Overview274
      3. Lesson 10.2 The Process of Cellular Respiration278
      4. Lesson 10.3 Fermentation285
      5. Chapter 10: Study Guide290
      6. Chapter 10: Assessment292
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice294
    12. Chapter 11: Cell Growth and Division
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How does this limb regrow?296
      2. Lesson 11.1 Cell Growth, Division, and Reproduction298
      3. Lesson 11.2 The Process of Cell Division303
      4. Lesson 11.3 Regulating the Cell Cycle310
      5. Lesson 11.4 Cell Differentiation315
      6. Chapter 11: Study Guide322
      7. Chapter 11: Assessment324
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice326
    13. Chapter 12: Introduction to Genetics
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why don't organisms look exactly like their parents?328
      2. Lesson 12.1 The Work of Gregor Mendel330
      3. Lesson 12.2 Applying Mendel's Principles335
      4. Lesson 12.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance341
      5. Lesson 12.4 Meiosis345
      6. Chapter 12: Study Guide352
      7. Chapter 12: Assessment354
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice356
    14. Chapter 13: DNA
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How can we be sure this fish is cod?358
      2. Lesson 13.1 Identifying the Substance of the Gene360
      3. Lesson 13.2 The Structure of DNA366
      4. Lesson 13.3 DNA Replication372
      5. Chapter 13: Study Guide376
      6. Chapter 13: Assessment378
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice380
    15. Chapter 14: RNA and Protein Synthesis
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How did these tadpoles come to be so different from each other?382
      2. Lesson 14.1 RNA384
      3. Lesson 14.2 Ribosomes and Protein Synthesis389
      4. Lesson 14.3 Gene Regulation and Expression395
      5. Lesson 14.4 Mutations401
      6. Chapter 14: Study Guide406
      7. Chapter 14: Assessment408
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice410
    16. Chapter 15: The Human Genome
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why do some people have extra fingers and toes?412
      2. Lesson 15.1 Human Chromosomes414
      3. Lesson 15.2 Human Genetic Disorders420
      4. Lesson 15.3 Studying the Human Genome425
      5. Chapter 15: Study Guide434
      6. Chapter 15: Assessment436
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice438
    17. Chapter 16: Biotechnology
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Can organisms be modified to combat disease?440
      2. Lesson 16.1 Changing the Living World442
      3. Lesson 16.2 The Process of Genetic Engineering445
      4. Lesson 16.3 Applications of Biotechnology452
      5. Lesson 16.4 Ethics and Impacts of Biotechnology460
      6. Chapter 16: Study Guide464
      7. Chapter 16: Assessment466
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice468
    18. Chapter 17: Darwin's Theory of Evolution
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How does this insect's appearance improve its chances of surviving and reproducing?470
      2. Lesson 17.1 A Voyage of Discovery472
      3. Lesson 17.2 Ideas That Influenced Darwin477
      4. Lesson 17.3 Darwin's Theory: Natural Selection483
      5. Lesson 17.4 Evidence of Evolution488
      6. Chapter 17: Study Guide496
      7. Chapter 17: Assessment498
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice500
    19. Chapter 18: Evolution of Populations
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How did whales evolve from land animals?502
      2. Lesson 18.1 Genes and Variation504
      3. Lesson 18.2 Evolution as Genetic Change509
      4. Lesson 18.3 The Process of Speciation516
      5. Lesson 18.4 Molecular Evolution520
      6. Chapter 18: Study Guide524
      7. Chapter 18: Assessment526
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice528
    20. Chapter 19: Biodiversity and Classification
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: What kind of animal is this?530
      2. Lesson 19.1 Finding Order in Biodiversity532
      3. Lesson 19.2 Modern Evolutionary Classification539
      4. Chapter 19: Study Guide550
      5. Chapter 19: Assessment552
      6. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice554
    21. Chapter 20: History of Life
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: What can fossils tell us about ancient mammals in Florida?556
      2. Lesson 20.1 Earth's Origin558
      3. Lesson 20.2 Life's Early History571
      4. Lesson 20.3 Earth and Life Evolve Together578
      5. Chapter 20: Study Guide592
      6. Chapter 20: Assessment594
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice596
    22. Chapter 21: Viruses, Prokaryotes, Protists, and Fungi
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why do I need a flu shot every year?598
      2. Lesson 21.1 Viruses600
      3. Lesson 21.2 Prokaryotes607
      4. Lesson 21.3 Protists616
      5. Lesson 21.4 Fungi622
      6. Chapter 21: Study Guide628
      7. Chapter 21: Assessment630
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice632
    23. Chapter 22: Plants
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: What is the world's largest organism?634
      2. Lesson 22.1 What Is a Plant?636
      3. Lesson 22.2 Plant Diversity641
      4. Lesson 22.3 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds651
      5. Chapter 22: Study Guide664
      6. Chapter 22: Assessment666
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice668
    24. Chapter 23: Plant Structure and Function
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How do some plants use their leaves to catch prey?670
      2. Lesson 23.1 Roots, Stems, and Leaves672
      3. Lesson 23.2 Plant Hormones and Tropisms686
      4. Lesson 23.3 Plants and People694
      5. Chapter 23: Study Guide698
      6. Chapter 23: Assessment700
      7. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice702
    25. Chapter 24: Animal Evolution, Diversity, and Behavior
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: Why is this bird dancing?704
      2. Lesson 24.1 Introduction to Animals706
      3. Lesson 24.2 Animal Evolution and Diversity712
      4. Lesson 24.3 Primate Evolution722
      5. Lesson 24.4 Social Interactions and Group Behavior728
      6. Chapter 24: Study Guide734
      7. Chapter 24: Assessment736
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice738
    26. Chapter 25: The Human Body
      1. Anchoring Phenomenon: How can this gymnast perform such complicated movements?740
      2. Lesson 25.1 Organization of the Human Body742
      3. Lesson 25.2 Human Systems I748
      4. Lesson 25.3 Human Systems II761
      5. Lesson 25.4 Immunity and Disease776
      6. Chapter 25: Study Guide788
      7. Chapter 25: Assessment790
      8. Florida End-of-Course Test Practice792
    27. End-of-Book Resources
      1. End-of-Book Resources Table of Contents794
      2. GlossaryR-1
      3. IndexR-25
      4. CreditsR-50
  2. Florida Biology 1 Course Standards
    1. SC.912.E.7.1: Analyze the movement of matter and energy through the different biogeochemical cycles, including water and carbon.
      1. SE: 4-3, p. 103-113
      2. SE: Explain Video, 3-2, p. 72
      3. TE: 4-3, p. 103-113
      4. TE: Explain video, 3-2, p. 72
    2. SC.912.L.14.1: Describe the scientific theory of cells (cell theory) and relate the history of its discovery to the process of science.
      1. SE: 8-1, p. 215
      2. TE: 8-1, p. 215
    3. SC.912.L.14.2: Relate structure to function for the components of plant and animal cells. Explain the role of cell membranes as a highly selective barrier (passive and active transport).
      1. SE: 8-2, p. 222
      2. SE: 8-2, p. 228
      3. SE: 8-3, pp. 232-237
      4. SE: 8-4, p. 239
      5. TE: 8-2, p. 222
      6. TE: 8-2, p. 228
      7. TE: 8-3, pp. 232-237
      8. TE: 8-4, p. 239
    4. SC.912.L.14.3: Compare and contrast the general structures of plant and animal cells. Compare and contrast the general structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
      1. SE: 8-1, p. 218
      2. SE: 8-2, p. 221
      3. SE: 8-2, p. 226
      4. SE: 8-2, p. 228
      5. SE: 8-4, p. 239
      6. TE: 8-1, p. 218
      7. TE: 8-2, p. 221
      8. TE: 8-2, p. 226
      9. TE: 8-2, p. 228
      10. TE: 8-4, p. 239
    5. SC.912.L.14.4: Compare and contrast structure and function of various types of microscopes.
      1. SE: 8-1, pp. 216-217
      2. TE: 8-1, pp. 216-217
    6. SC.912.L.14.6: Explain the significance of genetic factors, environmental factors, and pathogenic agents to health from the perspectives of both individual and public health.
      1. SE: 11-3, p. 313
      2. SE: 15-2, p. 421-424
      3. SE: 25-4, pp. 776-777
      4. TE: 11-3, p. 313
      5. TE: 15-2, p. 421-424
      6. TE: 25-4, pp. 776-777
    7. SC.912.L.14.7: Relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes.
      1. SE: 22-1, pp. 636-637
      2. SE: 22-2, pp. 643-645
      3. SE: 22-2, pp. 647-649
      4. SE: 22-3, p. 651
      5. SE: 22-3, pp. 654-655
      6. SE: 23-1, pp. 672-680
      7. TE: 22-1, pp. 636-637
      8. TE: 22-2, pp. 643-645
      9. TE: 22-2, pp. 647-649
      10. TE: 22-3, p. 651
      11. TE: 22-3, pp. 654-655
      12. TE: 23-1, pp. 672-680
    8. SC.912.L.14.26: Identify the major parts of the brain on diagrams or models.
      1. SE: 25-3, p. 764
      2. SE: Interactivity 25-3, p. 763
      3. TE: 25-3, p. 764
      4. TE: Interactivity, 25-3, p. 763
    9. SC.912.L.14.36: Describe the factors affecting blood flow through the cardiovascular system.
      1. SE: 25-2, pp. 753-756
      2. SE: Interactivity, 25-2, 755
      3. TE: 25-2, pp. 753-756
      4. TE: Interactivity, 25-2, p. 755
    10. SC.912.L.14.52: Explain the basic functions of the human immune system, including specific and nonspecific immune response, vaccines, and antibiotics.
      1. SE: 21-1, p. 605
      2. SE: 21-2, p. 613
      3. SE: 25-4, pp. 778-782
      4. SE: Interactive Video, 21-3, p. 619
      5. TE: 21-1, p. 605
      6. TE: 21-2, p. 613
      7. TE: 25-4, pp. 778-782
      8. TE: Interactive Video, 21-3, p. 619
    11. SC.912.L.15.1: Explain how the scientific theory of evolution is supported by the fossil record, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, biogeography, molecular biology, and observed evolutionary change.
      1. SE: 17-1, pp. 474-476
      2. SE: 17-4, pp. 488-493
      3. SE: 18-4, pp. 521-522
      4. SE: 20-1, p. 565
      5. SE: 20-3, p. 581
      6. SE: 20-3, pp. 584-587
      7. SE: 24-1, pp. 709-710
      8. SE: 24-2, p. 712
      9. SE: 24-2, p. 716
      10. SE: 24-3, p. 727
      11. TE: 17-1, pp. 474-476
      12. TE: 17-4, pp. 488-493
      13. TE: 18-4, pp. 521-522
      14. TE: 20-1, p. 565
      15. TE: 20-3, p. 581
      16. TE: 20-3, pp. 584-587
      17. TE: 24-1, pp. 709-710
      18. TE: 24-2, p. 712
      19. TE: 24-2, p. 716
      20. TE: 24-3, p. 727
    12. SC.912.L.15.4: Describe how and why organisms are hierarchically classified and based on evolutionary relationships.
      1. SE: 19-1, pp. 532-535
      2. SE: 19-2, pp. 539-540
      3. SE: 20-3, pp. 581-582
      4. SE: 24-1, p. 706
      5. TE: 19-1, pp. 532-535
      6. TE: 19-2, pp. 539-540
      7. TE: 20-3, pp. 581-582
      8. TE: 24-1, p. 706
    13. SC.912.L.15.5: Explain the reasons for changes in how organisms are classified.
      1. SE: 19-1, pp. 535-536
      2. SE: 19-2, p. 546
      3. SE: 21-3, p. 617
      4. TE: 19-1, pp. 535-536
      5. TE: 19-2, p. 546
      6. TE: 21-3, p. 617
    14. SC.912.L.15.6: Discuss distinguishing characteristics of the domains and kingdoms of living organisms.
      1. SE: 19-1, p. 538
      2. SE: 19-2, pp. 546-547
      3. SE: 21-2, pp. 607-611
      4. SE: 21-3, pp. 617-618
      5. SE: 22-1, p. 638
      6. TE: 19-1, p. 538
      7. TE: 19-2, pp. 546-547
      8. TE: 21-2, pp. 607-611
      9. TE: 21-3, pp. 617-618
      10. TE: 22-1, p. 638
    15. SC.912.L.15.8: Describe the scientific explanations of the origin of life on Earth.
      1. SE: 20-2, pp. 571-573
      2. TE: 20-2, pp. 571-573
    16. SC.912.L.15.10: Identify basic trends in hominid evolution from early ancestors six million years ago to modern humans, including brain size, jaw size, language, and manufacture of tools.
      1. SE: 24-3, pp. 724-727
      2. TE: 24-3, pp. 724-727
    17. SC.912.L.15.13: Describe the conditions required for natural selection, including: overproduction of offspring, inherited variation, and the struggle to survive, which result in differential reproductive success.
      1. SE: 17-1, pp. 474-476
      2. SE: 17-2, pp. 480-482
      3. SE: 17-3, p. 485
      4. SE: 18-1, p. 504
      5. SE: 18-2, p. 509
      6. SE: 24-4, p. 728
      7. SE: 24-4, pp. 731-732
      8. TE: 17-1, pp. 474-476
      9. TE: 17-2, pp. 480-482
      10. TE: 17-3, p. 485
      11. TE: 18-1, p. 504
      12. TE: 18-2, p. 509
      13. TE: 24-4, p. 728
      14. TE: 24-4, pp. 731-732
    18. SC.912.L.15.14: Discuss mechanisms of evolutionary change other than natural selection such as genetic drift and gene flow.
      1. SE: 18-2, pp 512-515
      2. SE: 18-4, pp. 521-522
      3. TE: 18-2, pp. 512-515
      4. TE: 18-4, pp. 521-522
    19. SC.912.L.15.15: Describe how mutation and genetic recombination increase genetic variation.
      1. SE: 16-1, pp. 442-444
      2. SE: 18-1, pp. 506-507
      3. SE: 21-2, p. 610
      4. TE: 16-1, pp. 442-444
      5. TE: 18-1, pp. 506-507
      6. TE: 21-2, p. 610
    20. SC.912.L.16.1: Use Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
      1. SE: 12-1, pp. 330-334
      2. SE: 12-2, pp. 335-340
      3. TE: 12-1, pp. 330-334
      4. TE: 12-2, pp. 335-340
    21. SC.912.L.16.2: Discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by various modes of inheritance, including dominant, recessive, codominant, sex-linked, polygenic, and multiple alleles.
      1. SE: 12-1, pp. 330-334
      2. SE: 12-2, pp. 336-340
      3. SE: 12-3, pp. 341-343
      4. SE: 15-1, pp. 416-417
      5. TE: 12-1, pp. 330-334
      6. TE: 12-2, pp. 336-340
      7. TE: 12-3, pp. 341-343
      8. TE: 15-1, pp. 416-417
    22. SC.912.L.16.3: Describe the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of the genetic information.
      1. SE: 13-1, pp. 364-365
      2. SE: 13-2, p. 366
      3. SE: 13-3, pp. 372-375
      4. TE: 13-1, pp. 364-365
      5. TE: 13-2, p. 366
      6. TE: 13-3, pp. 372-375
    23. SC.912.L.16.4: Explain how mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change. Explain how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring.
      1. SE: 14-4, pp. 401-405
      2. SE: 18-1, p. 506
      3. TE: 14-4, pp. 401-405
      4. TE: 18-1, p. 506
    24. SC.912.L.16.5: Explain the basic processes of transcription and translation, and how they result in the expression of genes.
      1. SE: 14-1, p. 387
      2. SE: 14-2, pp. 391-393
      3. SE: 14-3, pp. 395-397
      4. TE: 14-1, p. 387
      5. TE: 14-2, pp. 391-393
      6. TE: 14-3, pp. 395-397
    25. SC.912.L.16.8: Explain the relationship between mutation, cell cycle, and uncontrolled cell growth potentially resulting in cancer.
      1. SE: 11-3, p. 313
      2. TE: 11-3, p. 313
    26. SC.912.L.16.9: Explain how and why the genetic code is universal and is common to almost all organisms.
      1. SE: 14-2, pp. 389-390
      2. SE: 14-2, pp. 394
      3. TE: 14-2, pp. 389-390
      4. TE: 14-2, pp. 394
    27. SC.912.L.16.10: Evaluate the impact of biotechnology on the individual, society and the environment, including medical and ethical issues.
      1. SE: 11-4, pp. 319-321
      2. SE: 15-3, pp. 429-432
      3. SE: 16-2, pp. 446-451
      4. SE: 16-3, pp. 452-459
      5. SE: 16-4, pp. 460-463
      6. TE: 11-4, pp. 319-321
      7. TE: 15-3, pp. 429-432
      8. TE: 16-2, pp. 446-451
      9. TE: 16-3, pp. 452-459
      10. TE: 16-4, pp. 460-463
    28. SC.912.L.16.13: Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system. Describe the process of human development from fertilization to birth and major changes that occur in each trimester of pregnancy.
      1. SE: 25-3, pp. 772-777
      2. TE: 25-3, pp. 772-777
    29. SC.912.L.16.14: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction.
      1. SE: 11-1, pp. 298-302
      2. SE: 11-2, pp. 305-309
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 11-2, p. 307
      4. TE: 11-1, pp. 298-302
      5. TE: 11-2, pp. 305-309
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 11-2, p. 307
    30. SC.912.L.16.16: Describe the process of meiosis, including independent assortment and crossing over. Explain how reduction division results in the formation of haploid gametes or spores.
      1. SE: 12-4, pp. 346-347
      2. SE: 18-1, pp. 506-507
      3. TE: 12-4, pp. 346-347
      4. TE: 18-1, pp. 506-507
    31. SC.912.L.16.17: Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate to the processes of sexual and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation.
      1. SE: 12-4, pp. 348-349
      2. SE: 21-3, p. 619
      3. SE: 22-1, p. 639
      4. TE: 12-4, pp. 348-349
      5. TE: 21-3, p. 619
      6. TE: 22-1, p. 639
    32. SC.912.L.17.2: Explain the general distribution of life in aquatic systems as a function of chemistry, geography, light, depth, salinity, and temperature.
      1. SE: 3-1, p. 62
      2. SE: 3-3, pp. 76-85
      3. TE: 3-1, p. 62
      4. TE: 3-3, pp. 76-85
    33. SC.912.L.17.4: Describe changes in ecosystems resulting from seasonal variations, climate change and succession.
      1. SE: 3-1, p. 62
      2. SE: 3-2, pp. 69-75
      3. SE: 7-2, p. 185
      4. SE: Analyzing Data, 3-3, p. 81
      5. SE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      6. TE: 3-1, p. 62
      7. TE: 3-2, pp. 69-75
      8. TE: 7-2, p. 185
      9. TE: Analyzing Data, 3-3, p. 81
      10. TE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
    34. SC.912.L.17.5: Analyze how population size is determined by births, deaths, immigration, emigration, and limiting factors (biotic and abiotic) that determine carrying capacity.
      1. SE: 4-2, p. 98
      2. SE: 5-1, pp. 122-129
      3. SE: 5-2, pp. 130-135
      4. SE: 5-3, pp. 136-143
      5. SE: Explain Video, 4-2, p. 100
      6. SE: Explain Video, 5-1, p. 128
      7. SE: Quick Lab, 5-3, p. 142
      8. TE: 4-2, p. 98
      9. TE: 5-1, pp. 122-129
      10. TE: 5-2, pp. 130-135
      11. TE: 5-3, pp. 136-143
      12. TE: Explain Video, 4-2, p. 100
      13. TE: Explain Video, 5-1, p. 128
      14. TE: Quick Lab, 5-3, p. 142
    35. SC.912.L.17.8: Recognize the consequences of the losses of biodiversity due to catastrophic events, climate changes, human activity, and the introduction of invasive, non-native species.
      1. SE: 3-2, p. 75
      2. SE: 6-2, p. 162-163
      3. SE: 6-3, p. 165-168
      4. SE: 7-2, p. 184-194
      5. SE: 23-3, p. 695-696
      6. SE: Explain Video, 4-3, p. 110
      7. SE: Explain Video, 6-1, p. 154
      8. SE: Explain Video, 6-3, p. 167
      9. SE: Explain Video, 7-2, p. 191
      10. SE: Virtual Lab, 7-2, p. 190
      11. SE: Interactivity, 4-3, p. 110
      12. SE: Interactivity, 7-2, p. 190
      13. SE: Interactivity, 7-2, p. 191
      14. TE: 3-2, p. 75
      15. TE: 6-2, pp. 162-163
      16. TE: 6-3, pp. 165-168
      17. TE: 7-2, pp. 184-194
      18. TE: 23-3, pp. 695-696
      19. TE: Explain Video, 4-3, p. 110
      20. TE: Explain Video, 6-1, p. 154
      21. TE: Explain Video, 6-3, p. 167
      22. TE: Explain Video, 7-2, p. 191
      23. TE: Virtual Lab, 7-2, p. 190
      24. TE: Interactivity, 4-3, p. 110
      25. TE: Interactivity, 7-2, p. 190
      26. TE: Interactivity, 7-2, p. 191
    36. SC.912.L.17.9: Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers. Explain the pathway of energy transfer through trophic levels and the reduction of available energy at successive trophic levels.
      1. SE: 4-2, p. 98-101
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 4-2, p. 101
      3. SE: Interactivity, 4-2, p. 99
      4. SE: Interactivity, 4-2, p. 100
      5. TE: 4-2, pp. 98-101
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 4-2, p. 101
      7. TE: Interactivity, 4-2, p. 99
      8. TE: Interactivity, 4-2, p. 100
    37. SC.912.L.17.11: Evaluate the costs and benefits of renewable and nonrenewable resources, such as water, energy, fossil fuels, wildlife, and forests.
      1. SE: 7-4, p. 201-202
      2. SE: Interactivity, 7-4, p. 202
      3. SE: Video, 7-4, p. 201
      4. TE: 7-4, pp. 201-202
      5. TE: Interactivity, 7-4, p. 202
      6. TE: Video, 7-4, p. 201
    38. SC.912.L.17.13: Discuss the need for adequate monitoring of environmental parameters when making policy decisions.
      1. SE: 7-2, p. 190-193
      2. SE: 7-3, p. 200
      3. SE: 7-4, p. 205
      4. TE: 7-2, pp. 190-193
      5. TE: 7-3, p. 200
      6. TE: 7-4, p. 205
    39. SC.912.L.17.20: Predict the impact of individuals on environmental systems and examine how human lifestyles affect sustainability.
      1. SE: 7-1, p. 178-181
      2. SE: 7-2, p. 184-193
      3. SE: 7-3, p. 195-200
      4. SE: Inquiry Lab, 7-1, p. 179
      5. SE: Interactivity, 7-1, p. 180
      6. SE: Interactivity, 7-2, p. 191
      7. SE: Video, 7-2, p. 185
      8. SE: Explain Video, 7-2, p. 191
      9. TE: 7-1, pp. 178-181
      10. TE: 7-2, pp. 184-193
      11. TE: 7-3, pp. 195-200
      12. TE: Inquiry Lab, 7-1, p. 179
      13. TE: Interactivity, 7-1, p. 180
      14. TE: Interactivity, 7-2, p. 191
      15. TE: Video, 7-2, p. 185
      16. TE: Explain Video, 7-2, p. 191
    40. SC.912.L.18.1: Describe the basic molecular structures and primary functions of the four major categories of biological macromolecules.
      1. SE: 2-3, p. 45-49
      2. SE: Interactivity, 2-3, p. 47
      3. SE: Interactivity, 2-3, p. 49
      4. SE: Explain Video, 2-3, p. 47
      5. TE: 2-3, pp. 45-49
      6. TE: Interactivity, 2-3, p. 47
      7. TE: Interactivity, 2-3, p. 49
      8. TE: Explain Video, 2-3, p. 47
    41. SC.912.L.18.7: Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of photosynthesis.
      1. SE: 9-2, p. 257-258
      2. SE: 9-3, p. 259-263
      3. SE: Interactivity, 9-2, p. 258
      4. SE: Interactivity, 9-3, p. 262
      5. SE: Explain Video, 9-3, p. 262
      6. SE: Animation, 9-3, p. 261
      7. TE: 9-2, pp. 257-258
      8. TE: 9-3, pp. 259-263
      9. TE: Interactivity, 9-2, p. 258
      10. TE: Interactivity, 9-3, p. 262
      11. TE: Explain Video, 9-3, p. 263
      12. TE: Animation, 9-3, p. 261
    42. SC.912.L.18.8: Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration.
      1. SE: 10-1, p. 275-276
      2. SE: 10-2, p. 278-284
      3. SE: Interactivity, 10-1, p. 275
      4. SE: Interactivity, 10-2, p. 281
      5. SE: Interactivity, 10-2, p. 282
      6. SE: Modeling Lab, 10-2, p. 284
      7. TE: 10-1, pp. 275-276
      8. TE: 10-2, pp. 278-284
      9. TE: Interactivity, 10-1, p. 275
      10. TE: Interactivity, 10-2, p. 281
      11. TE: Interactivity, 10-2, p. 282
      12. TE: Modeling Lab, 10-2, p. 284
    43. SC.912.L.18.9: Explain the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
      1. SE: 4-3, p. 106
      2. SE: 10-1, p. 277
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 10, p. 292, question 15
      4. TE: 4-3, p. 106
      5. TE: 10-1, p. 277
      6. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 8-2, p. 227
    44. SC.912.L.18.10: Connect the role of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to energy transfers within a cell.
      1. SE: 9-1, p. 250-252
      2. SE: 9-3, p. 259-263
      3. SE: 10-2, p. 278-284
      4. SE: Explain Video, 9-1, p. 252
      5. SE: Interactivity, 9-1, p. 252
      6. TE: 9-1, pp. 250-252
      7. TE: 9-3, pp. 259-263
      8. TE: 10-2, pp. 278-284
      9. TE: Explain Video, 9-1, p. 252
      10. TE: Interactivity, 9-1, p. 252
      11. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 10-2, p. 280
    45. SC.912.L.18.11: Explain the role of enzymes as catalysts that lower the activation energy of biochemical reactions. Identify factors, such as pH and temperature, and their effect on enzyme activity.
      1. SE: 2-4, p. 52-53
      2. SE: Exploration Lab, 2-4, p. 53
      3. SE: Interactivity, 2-4, p. 52
      4. SE: Animation, 2-4, p. 52
      5. TE: 2-4, pp. 52-53
      6. TE: Exploration Lab, 2-4, p. 53
      7. TE: Interactivity, 2-4, p. 52
      8. TE: Animation, 2-4, p. 52
    46. SC.912.L.18.12: Discuss the special properties of water that contribute to Earth's suitability as an environment for life: cohesive behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing, and versatility as a solvent.
      1. SE: 2-2, p. 39-40
      2. SE: Interactivity, 2-2, p. 39
      3. SE: Interactivity, 2-2, p. 40
      4. TE: 2-2, pp. 39-40
      5. TE: Interactivity, 2-2, p. 39
      6. TE: Interactivity, 2-2, p. 40
    47. SC.912.N.1.1: Define a problem based on a specific body of knowledge, for example: biology, chemistry, physics, and earth/space science, and do the following:
      1. SE: Guided Inquiry, 25-2, p. 755
      2. SE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      3. SE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 424
      4. SE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
      5. SE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      6. TE: Guided Inquiry, 25-2, p. 755
      7. TE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      8. TE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 423
      9. TE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
      10. TE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
    48. SC.912.N.1.1:1: Pose questions about the natural world, (Articulate the purpose of the investigation and identify the relevant scientific concepts).
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 17-2, p. 481
      4. TE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      5. TE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 17-2, p. 481
    49. SC.912.N.1.1.2: Conduct systematic observations, (Write procedures that are clear and replicable. Identify observables and examine relationships between test (independent) variable and outcome (dependent) variable. Employ appropriate methods for accurate and consistent observations; conduct and record measurements at appropriate levels of precision. Follow safety guidelines).
      1. SE: Quick Lab, 1-2, p. 14
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 19-1, p. 536
      3. SE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 25
      4. SE: Interactivity, 1-3, p. 25
      5. TE: Quick Lab, 1-2, p. 14
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 19-1, p. 536
      7. TE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 24
      8. TE: Interactivity, 1-3, p. 25
    50. SC.912.N.1.1.3: Examine books and other sources of information to see what is already known,
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      2. SE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 424
      3. TE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      4. TE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 423
    51. SC.912.N.1.1.4: Review what is known in light of empirical evidence, (Examine whether available empirical evidence can be interpreted in terms of existing knowledge and models, and if not, modify or develop new models).
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 424
      2. SE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
      3. TE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 423
      4. TE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
    52. SC.912.N.1.1.5: Plan investigations, (Design and evaluate a scientific investigation).
      1. SE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 25
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 10-3, p. 287
      3. TE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 24
      4. TE: Quick Lab, 10-3, p. 287
    53. SC.912.N.1.1.6: Use tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data (this includes the use of measurement in metric and other systems, and also the generation and interpretation of graphical representations of data, including data tables and graphs), (Collect data or evidence in an organized way. Properly use instruments, equipment, and materials (e.g., scales, probeware, meter sticks, microscopes, computers) including set-up, calibration, technique, maintenance, and storage).
      1. SE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 25
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 2-2, p. 42
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      4. SE: Quick Lab, 17-2, p. 481
      5. SE: Quick Lab, 22-3, p. 654
      6. SE: Quick Lab, 25-1, p. 746
      7. TE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 24
      8. TE: Quick Lab, 2-2, p. 42
      9. TE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      10. TE: Quick Lab, 17-2, p. 481
      11. TE: Quick Lab, 22-3, p. 654
      12. TE: Quick Lab, 25-1, p. 746
    54. SC.912.N.1.1.7: Pose answers, explanations, or descriptions of events,
      1. SE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 25
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 2-2, p. 42
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      4. SE: Quick Lab, 16-2, p. 448
      5. SE: Quick Lab, 22-3, p. 654
      6. SE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      7. SE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
      8. TE: Develop a Solution Lab, 1-3, p. 24
      9. TE: Quick Lab, 2-2, p. 42
      10. TE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      11. TE: Quick Lab, 16-2, p. 448
      12. TE: Quick Lab, 22-3, p. 654
      13. TE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      14. TE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
    55. SC.912.N.1.1.8: Generate explanations that explicate or describe natural phenomena (inferences),
      1. SE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 10-3, p. 287
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 419
      4. SE: Quick Lab, 15-2, p. 424
      5. SE: Quick Lab, 24-1, p. 711
      6. SE: Quick Lab, 25-1, p. 746
      7. TE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      8. TE: Quick Lab, 10-3, p. 287
      9. TE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 418
      10. TE: Quick Lab, 15-2, p. 423
      11. TE: Quick Lab, 24-1, p. 710
      12. TE: Quick Lab, 25-1, p. 746
    56. SC.912.N.1.1.9: Use appropriate evidence and reasoning to justify these explanations to others,
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 2-3, p. 46
      2. SE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 424
      3. SE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
      4. SE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      5. SE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      6. SE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 419
      7. TE: Analyzing Data, 2-3, p. 46
      8. TE: Analyzing Data, 15-2, p. 423
      9. TE: Analyzing Data, 22-2, p. 647
      10. TE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      11. TE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      12. TE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 419
    57. SC.912.N.1.1.10: Communicate results of scientific investigations, and
      1. SE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 419
      4. TE: Quick Lab, 6-2, p. 162
      5. TE: Quick Lab, 7-2, p. 185
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 418
    58. SC.912.N.1.1.11: Evaluate the merits of the explanations produced by others.
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 2-3, p. 46
      2. SE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
      3. TE: Analyzing Data, 2-3, p. 46
      4. TE: Analyzing Data, 5-2, p. 133
    59. SC.912.N.1.3: Recognize that the strength or usefulness of a scientific claim is evaluated through scientific argumentation, which depends on critical and logical thinking, and the active consideration of alternative scientific explanations to explain the data presented.
      1. SE: 1-2, p. 13-14
      2. SE: 1-2, p. 17
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 1, p. 28, question 6
      4. TE: 1-2, pp. 13-14
      5. TE: 1-2, p. 17
      6. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 1-2, p. 13
    60. SC.912.N.1.4: Identify sources of information and assess their reliability according to the strict standards of scientific investigation.
      1. SE: 1-2, p. 13-14
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 1, p. 28, question 5
      3. TE: 1-2, pp. 13-14
      4. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 1-2. p. 13
    61. SC.912.N.1.6: Describe how scientific inferences are drawn from scientific observations and provide examples from the content being studied.
      1. SE: 1-1, p. 7-9
      2. SE: 17-2, p. 477-482
      3. SE: Interactivity, 1-1, p. 8
      4. SE: Quick Lab, 25-1, p. 746
      5. TE: 1-1, pp. 7-9
      6. TE: 17-2, pp. 477-482
      7. TE: Simulation, 1-1, p. 8
      8. TE: Quick Lab, 25-1, p. 746
    62. SC.912.N.2.1: Identify what is science, what clearly is not science, and what superficially resembles science (but fails to meet the criteria for science).
      1. SE: 1-1, p. 4-5
      2. SE: End-of-Course Test Practice, Ch 1, p. 30, question 4
      3. TE: 1-1, pp. 4-5
      4. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 1-1, p. 5
    63. SC.912.N.2.2: Identify which questions can be answered through science and which questions are outside the boundaries of scientific investigation, such as questions addressed by other ways of knowing, such as art, philosophy, and religion.
      1. SE: 1-2, p. 15
      2. SE: Interactivity, 1-1, p. 5
      3. SE: End-of-Course Test Practice, Ch. 1, p. 31, question 7
      4. TE: 1-2, p. 15
      5. TE: Interactivity, 1-1, p. 5
      6. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 1-1, p. 7
      7. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 1-2, p. 12
    64. SC.912.N.3.1: Explain that a scientific theory is the culmination of many scientific investigations drawing together all the current evidence concerning a substantial range of phenomena; thus, a scientific theory represents the most powerful explanation scientists have to offer.
      1. SE: 1-1, p. 10
      2. SE: 17-2, p. 477-478
      3. SE: 17-2, p. 480-482
      4. SE: Interactivity, 17-2, p. 478
      5. SE: Interactive Video, 17-2, p. 482
      6. TE: 1-1, p. 10
      7. TE: 17-2, pp. 477-478
      8. TE: 17-2, pp. 480-482
      9. TE: Interactivity, 17-2, p. 478
      10. TE: Interactive Video, 17-2, p. 482
    65. SC.912.N.3.4: Recognize that theories do not become laws, nor do laws become theories; theories are well supported explanations and laws are well supported descriptions.
      1. SE: 1-1, p. 10
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 1, p. 28, question 4
      3. TE: 1-1, p. 10
    66. HE.912.C.1.3: Evaluate how environment and personal health are interrelated.
      1. SE: 7-2, p. 191-194
      2. SE: 25-4, p. 776-777
      3. SE: 25-4, p. 783-785
      4. TE: 7-2, pp. 191-194
      5. TE: 25-4, pp. 776-777
      6. TE: 25-4, pp. 783-785
    67. HE.912.C.1.5: Analyze strategies for prevention, detection, and treatment of communicable and chronic diseases.
      1. SE: 21-1, p. 605
      2. SE: 21-2, p. 613
      3. SE: 25-4, 779-787
      4. SE: Analyzing Data, 25-4, p. 779
      5. SE: Interactivity, 21-1, p. 602
      6. SE: Interactivity, 25-4, p. 783
      7. TE: 21-1, p. 605
      8. TE: 21-2, p. 613
      9. TE: 25-4, p. 779-787
      10. TE: Analyzing Data, 25-4, p. 779
      11. TE: Interactivity, 21-1, p. 602
      12. TE: Interactivity, 25-4, p. 783
    68. HE.912.C.1.7: Analyze how heredity and family history can impact personal health.
      1. SE: 15-1, p. 416-419
      2. SE: 15-2, p. 422-424
      3. SE: Virtual Lab, 15-1, p. 416
      4. SE: Virtual Lab, 15-2, p. 424
      5. SE: Interactivity, 15-1, p. 416
      6. SE: Interactivity, 15-2, p. 421
      7. SE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 419
      8. TE: 15-1, p. 416-419
      9. TE: 15-2, p. 422-424
      10. TE: Virtual Lab, 15-1, p. 416
      11. TE: Virtual Lab, 15-2, p. 423
      12. TE: Interactivity, 15-1, p. 416
      13. TE: Interactivity, 15-1, p. 421
      14. TE: Quick Lab, 15-1, p. 418
    69. MA.K12.MTR.1.1: Actively participate in effortful learning both individually and collectively.
      1. SE: Quick Lab, 8-2, p. 227
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 8, p. 245, question 29
      3. SE: Quick Lab, 12-1, p. 334
      4. SE: Assessment, Ch. 17, p. 499, questions 21-23
      5. TE: Quick Lab, 8-2, p. 227
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 12-1, p. 333
    70. MA.K12.MTR.2.1: Demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multiple ways.
      1. SE: Inquiry Lab, 5-1, p. 126
      2. SE: Quick Lab, 5-3, p. 142
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 9, p. 269, questions 21-22
      4. SE: Assessment, Ch. 12, p. 354, questions 7 and 16
      5. TE: Inquiry Lab, 5-1, p. 126
      6. TE: Quick Lab, 5-3, p. 142
    71. MA.K12.MTR.3.1: Complete tasks with mathematical fluency.
      1. SE: 1-1, p. 9
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 3, p. 89, question 26
      3. SE: 5-1, p. 127, Checkpoint
      4. SE: Assessment, Ch. 20, p. 595, question 26
      5. TE: Use Mathematics, 7-3, p. 196
    72. MA.K12.MTR.4.1: Engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others.
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 21-4, p. 627
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 7, p. 209, question 22
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 24, p. 737, question 25
      4. TE: Analyzing Data, 21-4, p. 627
    73. MA.K12.MTR.5.1: Use patterns and structure to help understand and connect mathematical concepts.
      1. SE: 4-2 Lesson Review, p. 102, question 4
      2. SE: 11-1 Lesson Review, p. 302, question 3
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 13, p. 379, question 21
    74. MA.K12.MTR.6.1: Assess the reasonableness of solutions.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 6, p. 173, question 20
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 10, p. 293, question 23
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 18, p. 527, question 25
    75. MA.K12.MTR.7.1: Apply mathematics to real-world contexts.
      1. SE: Analyzing Data, 7-3, p. 198
      2. SE: Analyzing Data, 25-4, p. 779
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 23, p. 701, question 27
      4. TE: Analyzing Data, 7-3, p. 198
      5. TE: Analyzing Data, 25-4, p. 779
    76. ELA.K12.EE.1.1: Cite evidence to explain and justify reasoning.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 13, p. 379, question 17
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 16, p. 467, question 18
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 20, p. 595, question 30
      4. TE: Build Science Skills, 7-4, p. 203
      5. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 3-2, p. 73
      6. TE: English Language Development, 23-3, p. 696
    77. ELA.K12.EE.2.1: Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 3, p. 89, question 29
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 13, p. 379, question 26
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 18, p. 527, question 28
      4. TE: English Language Development, 3-2, p. 72
      5. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 5-1, p. 123
      6. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 12-1, p. 333
    78. ELA.K12.EE.3.1: Make inferences to support comprehension.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 1, p. 29, question 21
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 14, p. 409, question 29
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 22, p. 667, question 23
      4. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 8-2, p. 222
      5. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 17-2, p. 479
      6. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 21-4, p. 623
    79. ELA.K12.EE.4.1: Use appropriate collaborative techniques and active listening skills when engaging in discussions in a variety of situations.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 7, p. 209, question 28
      2. SE: Quick lab, 11-2, p. 307
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 16, p. 467, question 29
      4. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 3-3, p. 77
      5. TE: English Language Development, 21-1, p. 604
    80. ELA.K12.EE.5.1: Use the accepted rules governing a specific format to create quality work.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 11, p. 325, question 26
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 15, p. 437, question 24
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 25, p. 791, question 32
      4. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 1-3, p. 20
      5. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 5-1, p. 125
      6. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 12-1, p. 332
    81. ELA.K12.EE.6.1: Use appropriate voice and tone when speaking or writing.
      1. SE: Assessment, Ch. 8, p. 245, question 30
      2. SE: Assessment, Ch. 16, p. 467, question 26
      3. SE: Assessment, Ch. 23, p. 701, question 29
      4. TE: Differentiated Instruction, 5-1, p. 128
      5. TE: English Language Development, 5-3, p. 138
      6. TE: English Language Development, 16-2, p. 448
      7. TE: English Language Development, 23-1, p. 679
    82. ELD.K12.ELL.SC.1: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
      1. TE: English Language Development, 3-2, p. 72
      2. TE: English Language Development, 7-1, p. 180
      3. TE: English Language Development, 10-1, p. 276
      4. TE: English Language Development, 12-2, p. 339
      5. TE: English Language Development, 21-4, p. 625
      6. TE: English Language Development, 25-4, p. 778
    83. ELD.K12.ELL.SI.1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.
      1. TE: English Language Development, 2-2, p. 42
      2. TE: English Language Development, 4-2, p. 100
      3. TE: English Language Development, 11-2, p. 305
      4. TE: English Language Development, 13-2, p. 370
      5. TE: English Language Development, 18-3, p. 518
      6. TE: English Language Development, 22-1, p. 639